Mt. Keith Nickel Mine Channel Lining
In 1994 Western Mining Corporation Limited developed an open cut nickel mine and concentrator at Mt. Keith in the East Murchison District of Western Australia.
The mine treats 6.6 million tonnes of ore at approximately 0.6% nickel per year with the concentrator producing about 144,000 tonnes per year of nickel concentrate.
To expose primary ore, 47.5 million tonnes of overburden, oxides and transition had to be removed before start up of concentrator and this was the major activity during construction.
"Geotextiles formed an integral part of the lining system, by providing protection to the liner and a quality drainage medium."
Product Solutions
- bidim® A12 (16,000 m2) Used as a separation layer between two layers of 1.5mm thick HDPE liner material to prevent friction wear as the liner has significant thermal expansion properties.
- bidim® A24 (3,000 m2) Used as wrap on subsoil toe drain.
- bidim® A29 (20,400 m2) Used as under floor drainage wrap around crushed rock drainage material as a filtration fines retention function.
- bidim® A44 (6,000 m2) Over liner protection layer under crushed selected layer/earth fill causeway.
- bidim® A64 (9,200 m2) Used as under liner subgrade protection layer for decant drainage channels.
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