Cloudhill Quarry, Derby - UK
In May 2013, Concrete Canvas (CC) was trialled as an alternative to shotcrete to provide surface erosion protection to sections of sandstone overburden at a limestone quarry site in Derby, UK. Reinforcing the sandstone overburden would allow the quarry site to conduct additional excavation and blasting, maximising the potential yield of the site and helping to ensure its continued operation for an additional 10 years.
“The installation of Concrete Canvas was a new one for DHRA but proved to be quick and cost effective. There is no mess, no clean down of machinery and is I believe environmentally friendly and could prove to be a useful alternative to spray-crete in difficult access situations.” - Simon Jackson, DHRA Geotechnical Ltd.
Successful blasting of the rock face took place two weeks later with no signs of slope deterioration from either blast or the period of weathering since installation. Concrete Canvas also proved to be 60% less expensive than the traditionally used shotcrete option and saved Breedon Aggregates over £14,000. The 335sqm trial installation was completed in two days using a crew of three.